UI/UX Website Design Trends in 2024: An Early Glimpse at the Next Big Things


UI/UX designers know that every yearā€™s beginnings witness some emerging trends that either pop and become a hit or eventually fades-out by the end of the year. Trends that are successful keeps revolving around for a minimum of five years until something very handy and brainy evolves. Let 2020 rest in peace and we shall recover from the pandemic that affected the planet.

It is time to welcome the new year by looking forward with hope. Reflecting on 2024, we have brought in for you 10 website designing ideas and tips that would rule the internet this year.

The pandemic left no business untouched and people were forced to shut down their businesses. Amidst the pandemic when people switched to the virtual world, there was a booming increase in the usage of digital technology. People faced overwhelming challenges and shifted their business online. It inc

reased the demand for less complex and user-friendly websites. It resulted in the designers creating websites that make users have a seamless experience. Our designers have curated a list as to what will be the top 10 website designing trends in 2024.

Top 10 UI/UX 2024 trends you should know

1. Simplicity equals ultimate sophistication (flat design)

ā€˜Keep it simpleā€™ is the new mantra. Enough with all those exasperating pop-ups and advertising. People have started to feel frustrated when they see too many distractions. Let their purpose of the visit be gratified in simple steps. With so much time being spent online, easy navigation in simple steps will be the userā€™s priority this year.

No more using flashy colours that might be a strain to the eye. Subtle designs are preferred. Hence, the ā€˜neuomorphicā€™ trend is gaining a lot of attention from designers. ā€œNeumorphism, or soft UI, is a visual style that combines background colors, shapes, gradients, highlights, and shadows to ensure graphic intense buttons and switches. Neumorphism is not a replacement for flat design style, but an addition to app user interface design.ā€

flat design

2. Tailored to userā€™s needs (personalization)

Personalization is essential. Designers use technology to anticipate the needs of the consumer through their previous search history. customization is celebrating more success and hence websites are designed in a way that the users can customize what they look at according to their needs. Websites will have push notifications that would allow them to customize the content they are interested in.

For instance, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and Spotify give people access to customization and provide personalized content. This makes user the experience easy. Shopping websites are floating towards more personalization to make the shopping experience more interesting. Amazon can be cited as the best example of this.

Tailored to userā€™s needs personalization

3. Smartphone friendly (Mobilegeddon)

Smartphones have become an extended hand and most people scroll through their phones as soon as they wake up. Most people use their mobile to surf websites than desktops or PCs. Keeping this in mind, the search engine giant Google rolled out its update in 2015 Mobilegeddon, which is a search engine algorithm. It boosts the ranking of websites that are smart-phone friendly.

Hence designers started to create websites that wonā€™t require visitors to zoom their contents. Mobilegeddon ranks the websites that have options such as desktop view, larger fonts and icons, high-speed optimization, simple designs, and higher responsive websites. UX/UI designers will continue to focus largely on this in 2024.

4. Finding Darkness in the light! (Dark mode)

Lights off and let the background stay dark. People are inviting dark mode as it improves battery life, does not strain the eye, and is suitable for low-ambient lighting spaces. Moreover, the classy black looks cool! It allows people to focus on the content. It saves battery percentage by 15% than the light mode.

Even at 100% screen brightness, it saves a whopping 60% of screen energy. Android apps like Gmail, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp have rolled out the dark mode update and designers will be introducing it in their future creations.

5. The Human touch (Interactive websites)

Giving a human touch to a website would help one in managing oneā€™s consumers. It makes the consumers feel how well versed one is in satisfying the needs of the consumers. Websites will have instant messaging tools that enable instant discussion, blogging and sending personalized messages/ handwritten notes to build long-lasting consumer relations.

Creating a sense of belonging will pave the way to a unique customer experience. Therefore, designers have started to adopt methods that would cater to the target audience. Storytelling is another way through which one promotes their brand by making the customer the protagonist of the narration.

6. ā€˜Retro-futurismā€™ (Fonts)

Like people, even fonts face see-sawing trends. Typographers have modified retro fonts into the contemporary style and designers have a keen interest on them. This year we propound some typefaces that will be huge.

  • ā€˜Anguita Sansā€™ which is a different version of Sans serif will be used much in the digital medium for its versatility.
  • Jeko is a ā€˜re-designed form of Aventaā€™ is a geometric typeface that will be preferred due to its strong visibility and legibility.
  • Financier is a type face that is strongly British and has a stately charm. It works best for websites as designers are more into Mobilegeddon.
  • TT Ramillas was launched recently, and it has a human touch to it. Hence it will be trending in personalized websites.
  • Degular is another typeface which does not grab oneā€™s attention but fades in the background. This unique font might be hit for the year.

7. Intuitive scrolling (horizontal scroll)

Web designs must be intuitive and unique so that it stays memorable. Designers stick to the old vertical way of scrolling in order to avoid any risk. Honestly, when designed in the perfect way horizontal scrolling is fun amazes the visitor.

This can be practical choice for websites that display arts, photos, catalogues and so on. It might not work for websites that needs a lot of reading. More websites are gaining popularity due to its horizontal scrolling and some of them are Ginko, Peakā€™n Film, Emanuele Milella, Myles Nguyen, Square, Canals, Prevint and Ciao Bella.


8. Grids and frames

Grids were only used behind the scenes all these years. But designers have started to highlight the gridlines as geometric patterns for providing more information and scrolling through products. When drawn in different sizes it becomes visually interesting.

Oversized grids, overlapping boxes, the uncluttered split screen grids all have added different dimensions into designs. 2021 will be witnessing a lot of geometric shapes.

9. Cursor effects

Details! Attention to details! A custom-made cursor would provide a feeling that nothing has been overlooked. It can always complement a websiteā€™s design and gives a sense of completion. They can be used as a purely decorative element, a tool for navigating your website, the one with charming effects or something that has a noticeable effect on the website.

Making a mouse pointer interactive can take a website to next level. We give you some examples of websites so that you could experience the magic of custom cursors.


10. A glimpse into the future

Artificial intelligence is a win-win (AI)

International Data Corporation (IDC) states that about 75% of websites will use AI by the end of the year. AI allows users to interact with the system. It offers services like translating a language, grammar checks, navigation, chatbots, and so on. It also acts as a personal assistant. Designers will focus on updating the existing websites and implementing AI in their future creations. The most widely used social media websites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Snapchat use AI.

Voice User Interface (VUI)

Smart speakers are becoming a member of the households rapidly and the big techie companies are keen on providing a seamless experience. Millennials are more into voice searches than using a keyboard. They give command prompts like ā€œplay me my playlist in Spotifyā€, ā€œBook a cab to Nehru streetā€ and whatnot. It will be reining 2024 and the near future.

ā€œAmazon Alexa, Echo Dot, Google Home, Google Mini, Siri, Cortana, and the Google Assistant are examplesĀ ofĀ VUIĀ devices that takeĀ voiceĀ /speechĀ as an input and return in the same manner. People useĀ VUIĀ device in their daily life one or another way.ā€

The Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality has crossed the boundaries of gaming and entertainment is swimming into websites. ā€œThe most current virtual reality trends show the technology being applied across various industries, including healthcare, education, entertainment, tourism, and business institutions.ā€ Designers will be striving to provide users virtual experience across industries without facing technical glitches or limitations.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR provides visually immersive content and helps users experience digitally available things for real. AR brings in the digitally available content in the reality where you feel like they are placed near you in the real world. ā€œIt lets you search things visually, simply by pointing your camera at them. It can put answers right where your questions are by overlaying visual, immersive content on top of your real world.ā€

For example, Lenskart uses visual AR to help users identify their suitable glasses, Google maps allow you to find the address of the building you are looking for by highlighting it, Snap chat filters have a fun way of using AR for entertainment.

Final thoughts

Website Designers are more into making the (microcopy) communication messages casual than formal.Ā  The user interface is transforming into a tool that can be easily understood and used. A little humor would be adding delight as it feels like you are talking to a person and not a robot. Moreover, designers are gaining consciousness on ethical hacking.

We are all aware of the fact that websites have a sneak peek into our data and data mining happens. But in the future, UX/UI interface created by the best UI/UX design agency in India would not collect unnecessary data from people, making it more trustworthy.

2024 will be a year that would witness websites that is much simpler, more interactive, and easily sharable entities. Info summarizing, facial recognition, automatic captioning, translating languages and other AR/AI/VR features is the future of website design.

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