11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Web Designer


In todayā€™s fast-paced world, your website marks the first impression on your customers. It is the hub of all your marketing efforts. However, when you are thinking of hiring a web designer for designing your website with the custom web development services, the process can become confusing fast.Ā 

They may talk all about methodology or designing technology and present complicated proposals for your website but you need just a simple yet effective website for your company. In order to make sure that you get the right person to do the job, you need to start asking the right questions before hiring the same.Ā 

Let us take a look at 11 essential questions you need to ask the web designer before hiring him or her for your companyā€™s website.Ā 

#1- What all services are offered by him/her?

Most of the web designers offer several services to their clients such as social media marketing, graphic designing, SEO optimization, and copywriting services. This helps in providing consistency throughout the website in the image and written word.Ā 

By ensuring the fluency of the designer in these areas, make sure that you choose the person who knows your brand and knows which aspects of web design are more important to focus on.Ā 

#2- What is the style of their portfolio?

Different people have different styles of working. Come hiring time, you need to choose the designer who matches your style taste as the difference between the tastes of the designer and the client can prove to be disastrous for the website.Ā 

This can be avoided by taking a look at their portfolio as it gives a fair indication of their true style.Ā 

#3- What is the site-building process followed by the designer?

This question is important as it gives you an indication whether the designer is a newbie or a long time professional. Most of the experienced designers know the website development process like the back of their hands, what with going through it zillion times with their clients, and completing the work through the same.Ā 

Hiring a designer who has a definite plan for building the website will make your life easier by guiding you through the process step by step. Not only this, you will also be kept in the loop regarding the content and edits so that your project is completed on time.Ā 

This can only be done if the designer can jot down the milestones of the website building process from memory, thus making sure that you have landed on the right person who knows what he or she is doing.Ā 

#4- Ask them for any client testimonials and reviews

By talking to one of their past clients, you can get to know more about the legitimacy of your designer. This will help you in deciding whether the services provided by the webĀ  designer are truly worth your time or not.Ā 

#5- What happens if you are unhappy with the initial design?

This is an important question of the interviewing process. Different designers have different policies regarding how many changes are included in the primary fee and how much new charges would be added for any suggested tweaks.Ā 

In order to avoid an entire reconstruction when the final design comes, it is best to communicate properly regarding the type of images and content you want on your website. Apart from helping you stay within budget, it also helps you in knowing what you are getting into well ahead of time.Ā 

Also Read: 21 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Product Designer

#6- Will you be able to make any updates?

Even though you are hiring a website designer, it is best to make sure that you are comfortable with the website too. Many designers allow you to make minor tweaks and future updates through your own website management system while others permit changes only by their own selves at an added cost.Ā 

If you are anticipating any potential website updates, make sure that you are in the loop regarding their policy. Not only this, but it will also help you in accessing the statistics of the website traffic. After all, it is best to know how much this new website is helping your business.Ā 

#7- Will you be getting the original files?

Most of the web designers use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create custom graphics that are not possible to be made on the website building platform. It is best to ensure that you receive the completed as well as the original Adobe version of the same as it makes life easier if you want to make any changes in the long run.Ā 

This will also help if by any chance you change your designer or something untoward happens and you need to get the website edited by someone else.

#8- Will the website be fully customized or based on a customized theme?

Websites are built according to the budget you have for them. There are many that look like customized websites but they are just based on a pre-built theme that has been customized according to the client’s needs.Ā 

If you are looking to get every pixel of the layout of your web design to be performed by the designer and to be ā€˜hand-codedā€™ by an experienced developer, do ensure to communicate the same to the developer.Ā 

#9- What kind of tests and Quality Control checks are performed by the developer before the launch of the website?

It is important for any new website to be tested and checked on Quality standards prior to the site launch. In order to avoid any future issues, the designer should conduct cross-browser tests through different devices and browsers such as Firefox, different Chrome versions, Safari, IOS, and Android for smartphones and tablets.Ā 

It is also important that he or she follows through the checklist of internal quality assurance so as to ensure that all the bases are covered before the final launch.

#10- What all is needed from your side throughout the project?

A successful website is built only when the client is as involved in the website designing process as the website designer. When hiring an outside person to develop your website, it is best to know what all is required from you and your company in terms of time commitment, resources, and deliverables aspect.

#11- What all is included and not included in the designerā€™s price?

Every designer has a different pricing process. At the end of the day, it is best if you know what all is included in the pricing and what is not. This is vital as it helps you in knowing what all you will be getting in what price, any additional costs that may be incurred and how will he or she estimate and bill for the things that fall outside the realm of the proposal.Ā 

Remember, no one likes surprises when it comes to billing and getting a clear understanding before signing the contract with the designer.

Determining who the best person to build your website is and who is best equipped to handle your needs does not just merely depend on the expertise and capabilities of an individual.Ā 

This is the time when asking the right questions will help you in the selection process and help you in choosing the right web development partner to handle your firmā€™s website potential.

Final Thoughts:

Hiring a web designer for your company’s website is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. By asking the right questions, such as those outlined above, you can ensure that you find a designer who not only meets your technical requirements but also aligns with your style preferences and understands your business goals.Ā 

Remember, clear communication and a thorough understanding of what’s included in the designer’s services and pricing are key to a successful partnership. So, take the time to evaluate your options and choose a web designer who can bring your vision to life effectively, whether through custom web development services or other tailored solutions.

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