How to Choose the Best Branding Agency in India for Your Business?


India is among the current world leaders in producing businesses and entrepreneurs. But with that, competition comes along as well. There are so many startups coming with each passing day and that means to outshine one, your brand must have a presence in peopleā€™s daily lives.Ā 

Businesses believe that a powerful product can eliminate the need for marketing; at least some of the new born entrepreneurs think so. However, thatā€™s not completely true.Ā 

Itā€™s the rarest of rare cases where a brand or product becomes a hit without any proper marketing or branding. Most of the time, the sales are the result of combining the power of both, good branding and good product.Ā 

But how to choose the best branding agency in India for your business? Thatā€™s why we are here. Read this article and understand 5 tips that you must know.

Best Branding Agency in India

5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Branding Agency in India:

1. Identify Your Branding Needs:

Your branding begins with you. The very first important step is understanding your business in & out. Your values, product types, geographical market area, and targets decide your needs.Ā 

We often see businesses approaching a branding agency without evaluating their own strength & core values. As a result, they seldom find a solid path to grow their market impact.Ā 

Branding agencies say so many flattering words or show complex ideas to amaze businesses and make you feel comfortable. But often this leads to failure or disappointment.Ā 

Think of it with a great business quote- If you canā€™t express your business well, people wonā€™t understand it anyway.Ā 

2. Do Your Research for the Best Branding Agency:Ā 

The next step is finding some really good branding agencies. The simplest way of doing so is to go to the internet and search the keywords. A bunch of results will pop up and here starts the real work.Ā 

Not agencies are great for your business. Open each website and check it thoroughly. Study their portfolio, case studies, and past history. Look at what they have achieved with their campaigns and be cautious about the fairy-tale terms like exceptional or experts.Ā 

Words arenā€™t important. Though they may show some potential crisp in the company.Ā 

If you have a reference, approach them as well.Ā 

3. Evaluating Agency Experience & Expertise:Ā 

If youā€™re on this article, I am sure you want to hire an experienced branding agency. But here is a pro tip for you. The crisp not only lies with experience only today. It lies with a specific experience that serves your purpose.Ā 

Not all agencies are great for every business nature. Find an agency that has gained quite an experience in your niche. If they have some experience, they would probably have some great insights as well.Ā 

This means you have an edge with the agencyā€™s emotion-driven branding. Moreover, be sure that they donā€™t use pre-made templates at all costs. Every brand is unique so branding should be unique as well.Ā 

Also Read: Why Startups Fail In Creating Brand Recognition

4. Considering Budget and Affordability:Ā 

Before you jump onto searching for the right agency for you, let me ask you one question. Have you decided on your budget yet? If yes, how much?Ā 

Recognize that itā€™s a very crucial point that most businesses ignore. Your budget is your filter to choose a good agency for yourself. Your business doesnā€™t need all services nor can you afford to miss the needed ones.Ā 

Putting a filter alongside your needs makes your search for an agency which will offer the exact services in your favour. Also donā€™t forget to discuss the advance payment, payment structure, hidden charges, and services offered in detail. If possible, ask for a written document.Ā 

To be honest, it would be the smartest choice to ask for it.Ā 

5. Meeting and Interviewing with potential Agencies:Ā 

You have checked all the agencies and filtered them out. Now is the time for meeting and understanding their work progress. This is important to find out whether you both match the vibes or not. Itā€™s also important to understand whether your agency is really trying to go into your business motive and trying to protect its values.Ā 

The best way to do so is to sit with them and personally evaluate them. Itā€™s a big time to believe in gut feeling.Ā 

Your agency may not be the best-skilled people out there but if they are compatible, passionate, love your work, and professionally personal with you, theyā€™re good to go.Ā 

Learn together and grow together.Ā 

Also Read: 9 Effective Logo Design Tips From Branding Experts

Why Beryl Agency is the Right Branding Partner for Your Business

Now, here is the big question for our readers. Why choose us as your next partners as your best branding agency in India? To be true, the above rules apply to us as well. Weā€™re not perfect for everyone and we respect that. However, here are some solid reasons why we may just fit right for you.Ā 

– Weā€™re an award-winning agency and have clients across the globe with proven results for [put some clientā€™s name].Ā 

– We have worked with handsome industries and brought profitable results which means you might have an edge with us.Ā 

– Our team focuses on research-based & creative branding campaigns and specific to your business means everything will be tailored for you.Ā 

– Transparent, easy and effective strategies to beat competition.Ā 


Choosing the right branding partner is every businessā€™s need. It helps you grow your market size, aware people of your product, and eventually establish you as one of the key players. But all this is possible with a passionate, tailored, and niche-experienced branding agency.Ā 

Finally, we have one more suggestion for all. Go all in with a long-term goal. Itā€™s not always that you create a product and people fall for it. It takes time to grow and learn how a brand can cater to peopleā€™s needs in real life.Ā 

Donā€™t miss out on checking out our best branding agency in India services as well. Who knows, we might be best buddies for you. Check out Beryl Agency for the best branding services.


  1. What is a reasonable budget for a branding project in India?Ā 

Ans- A branding project in India cost ranges from 50000 INR to 2,00,000 INR. However, the charges can vary according to the projects and the expertise of an agency.Ā 

  1. How long does it take to complete a new brand identity?Ā 

Ans- The time depends on the complexity of the projects. However, on average branding projects take from 4-8 months to complete.

  1. Should I choose Local or international branding agencies?Ā 

Ans- It depends upon several factors such as market, niche, cultural impact, and diversity. Local agencies will help you relate to the area whereas international ones will offer you versatility and more creativity.Ā 

  1. How do I evaluate an agencyā€™s past work and results?Ā 

Ans- Check their portfolio, request case studies, and ask for some proven results. Clientā€™s testimony, online reviews, and personal research will also help.Ā 

  1. What is the process for rebranding with an agency?Ā 

Ans- Your brand has established an image and now wants to redefine it. This will take time. Start with discovery sessions, concept development, feedback rounds, A/B testing, finalisation, and implementation. Ensure that your hired agency communicates effectively and proceeds with a clear motive.Ā 




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